
DreadBall on Vassal

DreadBall 2nd Edition Vassal module that enables the game to be played digitally in 2D and online.

Version: 1.6

Release Date: 09/07/2020

KoW: Vanguard on Vassal

Kings of War: Vanguard Vassal module that enables the game to be played digitally in 2D and online.

Version: 1.1

Release Date: 24/04/2020

DReadBall - Sentinel Overlords Team

A custom team for DreadBall 2nd Edition born from an idea to utilise an abundance of Refbot miniatures. Rules by Rob Taylor, concept & graphics by me.

Dungeon Saga - Path of the Druid

A custom expansion for the Dungeon Saga board game that focuses on & expands the Druid profession as a playable character.